Putting Users First in B2B Payment Automation

Putting Users First in B2B Payment Automation

In the quest to modernize B2B payments, automation is thrown around as the key to better business payment experiences. This is partly true, and I say partly because there's not enough talk about the quality of the design of these tools that can automate payment processes and create efficiencies. Yes, automation is a good thing overall for B2B payments but if not done correctly, it can actually exarcebate current B2b payment woes.

Without a user-centric design approach, even the most well-intentioned technology can worse existing issues rather than resolve them. This article explores how poorly designed automation tools, particularly Electronic Invoice Presentment and Payment (EIPP) platforms, can worsen business payment woes and highlights the critical importance of user-centric design.

The Promise and Pitfalls of EIPP Platforms

EIPP platforms are designed to streamline the invoicing and payment process, offering benefits such as reduced processing times, lower costs, and improved accuracy. However, when these platforms are not designed with the end user in mind, they can introduce new challenges:

  1. Increased Payment Errors
    • Example: A poorly designed EIPP platform with a complex and unintuitive interface can lead to frequent user errors.

      For instance, if the system requires multiple steps to input invoice data without clear guidance, users may enter incorrect information, resulting in payment errors and delays.
    • Impact: These errors can disrupt cash flow, damage vendor relationships, and increase the administrative burden of resolving discrepancies.
  2. High Cognitive Load
    • Example: An EIPP platform that is not user-friendly can impose a high cognitive load on users. If the interface is cluttered with unnecessary features or lacks intuitive navigation, users may struggle to complete tasks efficiently.
    • Impact: This can lead to user frustration, decreased productivity, and a higher likelihood of mistakes. Employees may spend more time trying to understand the system than actually processing payments.
  3. Poor Integration with Existing Systems
    • Example: An EIPP platform that does not integrate seamlessly with a company’s existing ERP or accounting systems can create data silos and require manual data entry.
    • Impact: This not only negates the benefits of automation but also increases the risk of errors and inefficiencies. Users may have to duplicate efforts, leading to wasted time and resources.
  4. Lack of Customization and Flexibility
    • Example: A one-size-fits-all EIPP solution that does not allow for customization to meet specific business needs can be problematic. For instance, if the platform cannot accommodate different payment terms or approval workflows, it may force users to work around the system.
    • Impact: This can lead to non-compliance with internal policies, increased manual intervention, and ultimately, a failure to achieve the desired efficiency gains.

The Importance of User-Centric Design

To avoid these pitfalls, it is essential to adopt a user-centric design approach when developing automation tools for B2B payments. This involves:

  1. Understanding User Needs
    • Conducting thorough user research to understand the pain points, preferences, and workflows of the end users.
    • Example: Engaging with accounts payable teams to identify common challenges and incorporating their feedback into the design process.
  2. Simplifying the User Interface
    • Designing intuitive interfaces that minimize cognitive load and make it easy for users to complete tasks accurately and efficiently.
    • Example: Implementing clear, step-by-step guidance for invoice entry and payment processing to reduce errors.
  3. Ensuring Seamless Integration
    • Developing solutions that integrate smoothly with existing systems to eliminate data silos and reduce manual data entry.
    • Example: Creating APIs that allow the EIPP platform to communicate with ERP and accounting systems in real-time.
  4. Providing Customization Options
    • Offering flexible solutions that can be tailored to meet the specific needs of different businesses.
    • Example: Allowing users to customize approval workflows and payment terms to align with their internal policies and processes.


While automation promises to improve B2B payments, its success hinges on user-centric design. Poorly designed technology can exacerbate existing issues, leading to increased errors, higher cognitive load, and inefficiencies.

By prioritizing the needs and preferences of users, financial institutions and fintechs can develop automation tools that truly enhance the payment experience, delivering on the promise of efficiency and accuracy.

By embracing user-centric design, you can unlock the full potential of automation in B2B payments, creating systems that are not only powerful but also intuitive and user-friendly.

WDIR, your partner in B2B payment excellence

We work with leading financial institutions, fintechs, and central banks around the world to create better business payment experiences. As strategic design partners, we ensure that your B2B payment platforms are designed not only to be intuitive and secure, but also drive greater business goals. Get in touch today!